LaserFocus's Purpose

The Problem

     Every year, approximately a quarter of a million people undergo operations to correct nasal airway obstruction. Septal deviation can block one or both nasal airways and prevents inhaling sufficient air from your nose. It can lead to continuous sinus infections, chronic nosebleeds, nasal congestion, and severe snoring. Eighty percent of people have some form of septal deviation and often overlook the problem. 

The Need

     There is a need for a comfortable procedure where patients won’t have to deal with the numerous side effects and financial issues of a traditional septoplasty. Patients will deal with pain, swelling, bruising, and congestion for the first three weeks post-op until they can resume normal activity after a grueling operation that can take up to 8 hours. Normal breathing function takes a full year to return.

The Solution

     By integrating laser treatment and our cooling technology, nasal deviation treatments can be a non-invasive treatment by simply heating the cartilage until it becomes malleable while preventing unnecessary damage to the mucous membrane from the laser. Our solution provides patients with a quick, non-surgical procedure to fix deviated septums without suffering from any temporary or permanent side effects.